Saturday, January 4, 2014

NCL Panama Canal Cruise. Day five at sea. Day six Huatulco, Mexico, we did the Amazing Eco-Tour Crocodile Sanctuary.

There are many different types of

Spider monkey

Enjoying Coconut milk, it was real
light in flavor.

We ate coconut with chilly powder
lime and salt, pretty tastey

This road has been under construction
for 30 years

Don't forget to tip the guides and
the man that carried the life  jackets
and paddle, I think he must of been
at least 70 years old, but very strong.

This was called the window, in
Spanish  I believe it is Ventana

Didn't see a lot of Crocodiles in the water,
they were very relaxed.


This is a sanctuary, so they care for the
crocodiles and other animals

Lots of poisonous snakes


On the beach they rope off where the
turtles lay there eggs so that no harm
comes to the eggs.

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